This page is being left up for reference purposes only.
I have dropped out of this race and endorsed Miranda Schubert. Please support Miranda’s campaign instead. Thank you!
Building Community Together
Please sign my nominating petition!
(this links to the Secretary of State’s website)
My son and I in the Catalina Mountains
Hello! I’m Charlie Verdin, and I’m running to represent Tucson’s Ward 6 on the city council. I’m one of the owners of a local online retailer that has been operating in Tucson since 2007.
I’m also the father of two young kids who will grow up in this wonderful city.
The first priority of a city council member should be a willingness, an eagerness even, to help the people of their city. That means to be present, accessible, and willing to listen, as well as working with the community to solve its problems.
A city council member must be patient, humble, and thoughtful, but also ready to make a plan and act to actually solve problems.
I live and work in midtown Tucson, where my business and family have both grown strong over the past decade or so. I hope to give back by serving this incredible community as a thoughtful and attentive public servant.
I’m ready to listen to you, to work with you, and to fight on your behalf. Let’s build a stronger Tucson together.